zl is a logger based on zap. It provides advanced logging features.
zl is a logging package designed with the developer experience in mind. You can choose the most suitable output format according to your purpose, such as emphasizing easy-to-read console output during development in a local environment and outputting structured detailed logs in a production environment. It offers rich functionality but is easy to configure.
This is useful when developing systems that perform complex processing.
Log messages do not have to be written in upper snake case, but if messages are written in a uniform manner, it is easy to extract specific logs using tools such as Google Cloud Logging or the jq command. It is recommended that log messages be written in a consistent manner. By writing log messages succinctly and placing detailed information in separate fields, the overall clarity of the logs is improved, making it easier to understand the flow of processes.
go get -u github.com/nkmr-jp/zl
code: examples/basic/main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
// Set Options
// Initialize
defer zl.Sync() // flush log buffer
// Write logs
zl.Info("USER_INFO", zap.String("user_name", "Alice"), zap.Int("user_age", 20)) // can use zap fields.
zl.Info("DISPLAY_TO_CONSOLE", zl.Console("The message you want to display to console"))
_, err := os.ReadFile("test")
zl.Err("READ_FILE_ERROR", err)
// if the same error occurs multiple times in the same location, the error report will show them all together.
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
_, err = strconv.Atoi("one")
zl.Err("A_TO_I_ERROR", err)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
v := ""
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte("test"), &v)
Console output.
The console displays minimal information. Displays a stack trace when an error occurs.
File output.
Detailed information is available in the log file. You can also use jq to extract only the information you need.
$ cat log/app.jsonl | jq 'select(.message | startswith("USER_")) | select(.pid==921)'
"severity": "INFO",
"timestamp": "2022-08-22T10:30:39.154575+09:00",
"caller": "basic/main.go:22",
"function": "main.main",
"message": "USER_INFO",
"version": "fc43f68",
"pid": 921,
"user_name": "Alice",
"user_age": 20